Internet of Things Exploitation

A step-by-step journey to learn practical and cutting-edge techniques of analyzing IoT solutions. It will give a strong foundation knowledge of IoT devices, and skillsets to reverse, analyze and exploit firmware, embedded devices, radio, communication protocols, and come up with your unique exploitation techniques to find 0-days and new security vulnerabilities in smart connected devices.

Bundled with the IoT Exploitation Learning Kit, you will get an at-home IoT lab that includes real-world smart devices, research hardware & exploitation tools, with detailed step-by-step videos, a printed lab manual and Slack Community access - so that you are never stuck.  

Android and iOS Exploitation

Since the first run of the class in 2013, we have continuously updated the “Advanced Android and iOS Hands-on Exploitation” class to make it one of the most in-depth, practical and hands-on Mobile application exploitation class available anywhere. In this class, you will analyze, reverse and exploit numerous Android and you will work with Android and iOS applications learning how to see patterns to identify vulnerabilities at a rapid pace, and gain a mindset that enables you to outcompete everyone else.

You will learn about topics like Insecure IPCs, insecure data, application protection bypasses, dynamic instrumentation, deep linking, reversing and more.